WebPunch: Looking for a Senior Data Scientist

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Headquarters: Denver, CO
URL: https://webpunch.com/

Our team needs your help! 

The ideal candidate will develop a new WebPunch model so that our clients can gain better insight into the voice of their customers. This is a contract position. We anticipate that when we find the perfect candidate, our relationship will be ongoing. 

The problem we are trying to solve:
We are currently using IBM Watson’s Natural Language Processing to analyze customer feedback for our clients. Feedback is generated from our own survey tool. We are getting extractions shown in the example below. Businesses are currently struggling to understand the overall themes to improve the client experience. Our platform needs to help pinpoint concepts that will help brands identify operational changes that need to be made. We also need to help them celebrate their successes. 

Keyword Extraction Example:

How can a business owner take action from the above? When they read the actual feedback, it’s easier to see that teacher turnover and price are causing dissatisfaction.

This is why we need your help! 

To apply: hello@webpunch.com

from We Work Remotely: Product Jobs
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